
Oct 10, 2023

What’s Going On With Social Security’s Appropriations?

      Have you wondered about Social Security’s Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations situation? Wanted nonpartisan information?  The Library of Congress’s Congressional Information has you covered in its recently released report Social Security Administration (SSA): FY2024 Annual Limitation on Administrative Expenses (LAE) Appropriation: In Brief. They explain why it’s technically not an appropriation but an LAE. What the report doesn’t say is that the situation for Social Security and almost all other federal agencies is a mess because the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is in complete disarray.


  1. So, the federal agencies just became a mess when Republicans in the House fell into disarray? Seems like just yesterday SSA was running so well (sarcasm for those of you a little slow on the uptake.)

  2. You are quite right. The Republicans (and, to a lesser extent, the Democrats) have succeeded in effectively reducing SSA Administrative funding to a point where the agency is barely functional. On the other hand, the current Republican temper tantrum makes a bad situation much less.
