
Nov 4, 2023

AARP Calls For Better Service

    From a letter sent by the AARP to the leadership of the House Social Security Subcommittee:

... AARP continues to be concerned about extraordinary delays within the Social Security disability process. ...

 SSA needs to do better and should continue to prioritize the reduction of disability wait times as a key objective of the agency. In order to help SSA make improvements to the disability process, it is imperative that Congress provide the agency with the funding it needs. Social Security has a responsibility and a duty to provide timely and quality service to the public, and Congress has an obligation to ensure the agency has the resources, staffing and oversight necessary to fulfill its mission. For too long, Congress has underfunded SSA, leading to increased customer service deficiencies that have become far too common.

AARP continues to urge Congress to approve $15.5 billion for SSA administrative expenses for FY 2024. ...

    I hope AARP knows that the Social Security Subcommittee can do nothing about Social Security's appropriation. That's the responsibility of the Appropriations Committee.


  1. Republicans don't care. Older generations will continue voting lock step with the GOP candidates. SSA funding will continue to stagnate. Service will continue to drop. Seniors complain. Republicans don't care. Older generations will continue voting lock step with the GOP candidates. SSA funding will continue to stagnate. Service will continue to drop. Seniors complain. Republicans don't care. Older generations will continue voting lock step with the GOP candidates. SSA funding will continue to stagnate. Service will continue to drop. Seniors complain. Republicans don't care. Older generations will continue voting lock step with the GOP candidates. SSA funding will continue to stagnate. Service will continue to drop. Seniors complain. Republicans don't care. Older generations will continue voting lock step with the GOP candidates. SSA funding will continue to stagnate. Service will continue to drop. Seniors complain. Republicans don't care. Older generations will continue voting lock step with the GOP candidates. SSA funding will continue to stagnate. Service will continue to drop. Seniors complain. Republicans don't care. Older generations will continue voting lock step with the GOP candidates. SSA funding will continue to stagnate. Service will continue to drop. Seniors complain.

    The circle will forever continue.

  2. It is not a circle, it is a pendulum. At times, things improve. E.g., “In 1981, Reagan ordered the Social Security Administration (SSA) to tighten up enforcement of the Disability Amendments Act of 1980 created by then President Jimmy Carter , which resulted in more than a million disability beneficiaries having their benefits stopped.(ref?) This, as well as enforcement by the SSA of the Debt Collection Act of 1982, resulted in widespread public, media and federal court criticism of the agency. By 1984, the disability review process had nearly collapsed, and an internal SSA memo acknowledged that the agency's credibility was at an all-time low.[3] This resulted in Congress creating the Reform Act, which had the effect of strengthening the legal position of SSDI beneficiaries.[4]”

    Churchill said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. SSA’s field offices and the disability program are in crisis. The change in the law in 1984 came right before a presidential election. We have another election coming up next year, and the
    Rs will not want to be pilloried by the disability community and AARP. Change is coming.

  3. 1238 Older people do not vote lock step with the GOP, especially boomers. White Southerners tend to do that, regardless of their age. Rich white people tend to do that too regardless of their age or where they live.

  4. I've got a good idea for using AI to improve SSA services. While callers are on hold the AI detects their congressional district and how their delegation voted on funding SSA to improve services. Instead of playing muzak, the caller hears how their delegation voted, and they could even give their congressional office phone numbers.

    "This 45 minute wait time was brought to you by Representative _____."

    1. @653pm. The last thing an SSA office wants is for the public to contact their Congressman. It's a pain (letters have to be sent to the congressman with status and the final resolution) and when everything is expedited, nothing is.

  5. AARP sold out to the insurance companies. It has no real strength any longer. If AARP is for it, then I am generally against it. I have no faith in AARP.

    On a side note, they should look at their own customer service before pointing fingers elsewhere.
