
Jan 24, 2024

A Poll


  1. I will add Judges (real ones and ALJs), Supreme Court Justices and Congress. 65

  2. I think you should go back and look at the past presidents, then look at the life expectancy at that time. I think you will see that a number of presidents were really old for their time period.

  3. I am ageist. I admit it. Old people think old thoughts and old ways. They cannot keep up with tech, changing social conditions or walking or driving. I do not believe the fact that someone is still breathing means they have magically gained great wisdom and insight. It just means they are breathing. Ohhh but they have experience, you say. But what experience? I really dont need to know that you dialed a rotary phone and wrote in cursive, but you cant open a pdf or create a webpage. If old is so good, eat some expired meat.

    1. Remember your comments when you are old. Age has its limitations and I agree that being POTUS is one of them, but there is no need for rudeness. Technology is an illusionary construct that will fail one day in a the mist of an emergency. People with your mindset are going to be at a distinct disadvantage. As technology does more and more for you, it let's your brain cells atrophy.

  4. Imho, just as there is a minimum age there should also be a maximum age. Sure there are younger folks capable, just as there are older folks capable. But unless we want to 'go down the road' of variable age limits or no age limits (think 10 year-olds driving cars, 5 year-olds buying liquor, or minimum early SS retirement age 32), can we agree there should be a legal limit?

  5. In the midst of and emergency I would rather be young and capable than an old target.

    1. Not if you can't function IRL without your technology and Google has zapped your ability to think critically. However, youth has a distinct advantage in other areas, I agree but still no cause for rudeness.

  6. LOL my brain is going to atrophy a lot slower from my cell phone than an old persons is from dementia!

  7. Really, most young people cannot read a map, cannot comprehend directions without GPS, cannot figure out how to use a radio and have diminished critical thinking skills. Those are all skills that will safe your life in a true emergency. But I can see you are as ignorant as you are young. Its good to be young until its not.

  8. Somehow old people think they know what young people know. We can read maps, drive without gps and even dial a rotary phone and read cursive. But lets face it, after 65 you are in rapid decline. Mentally, physically, in every single way. I can learn how to do every thing you know and do, its all available to me. You cannot reverse being old and closer to the coffin, it just life. Sorry, ,I will get off your lawn.

    Btw I hunt, camp, fish, go weeks without a phone, in places your walker wont go.

    1. @1026 Good you can read maps, cursive, etc. Next maybe learn manners as they will serve you well whether young or old.

  9. Clinton has been out of office 24 years now and is still younger than Trump or Biden
