
Jan 7, 2024

Social Security’s Immigration Problem

      You often hear about the terrible problems that immigrants cause for Social Security. They just GIVE them Social Security as soon as they cross the border! It’s killing Social Security! 

     The Motley Fool has an article up about the immigration problem that’s hurting Social Security — not enough immigrants.


  1. Underpopulation is an issue here, Japan and Europe. Either admit more immigrants or have more kids.

  2. Too many people make jokes about this, allowing misinformation to become dogma. I know many, after reading this article, will point out that it’s about legal immigrants, and that it’s the illegals that cause the problems. Duh, smirk.

    But, that belief assumes many different things that aren’t addressed and countered. For example, it assumes that employees at SS are able to fudge the system to allow illegals to get benefits. It assumes that it’s relatively easy to manipulate the system to begin with. A government system that’s easy to manipulate?

    It also helps that government and its employees have been criticized for decades, making it easy to kick them even further.

  3. Yeah, anyone who thinks that "illegals get Social Security/SSI" have both:

    A. Clearly never worked for SSA

    B. Baloney for brains

  4. @9:33pm

    Unfortunately, anyone who HAS worked for SSA (answering phones or working a reception window) understands that A and B are clearly far, FAR more common than they should be. Claimant's cry all the time about how their own benefit should be higher and it would be if we "weren't just giving money to illegals at the border!!" I just roll my eyes anymore when I encounter these people, and then politely tell them they are misinformed and every claim is vetted for proper citizenship/residence status for benefits.

    1. The truth is many non-documented people pay into the system and never collect.
