
Feb 6, 2024

An Interesting Employee Benefit

     From a contracting notice posted by the Social Security Administration:

... The Contractor shall administer a reimbursement process for employees who choose to utilize SSA’s Pick Your Own Provider emergency backup dependent care program for temporary or short-term services for employees who are scheduled to work, and their regular care arrangements are disrupted. This will allow employees to continue working knowing that their dependents are being cared for in a safe environment. When employees use the Pick Your Own Provider program, they are required to locate their own provider and pay for all costs. The contractor will administer a process to reimburse employees a $100 flat fee for each day of emergency backup care provided.  Employees can utilize the Pick Your Own Provider program for a maximum of 5 days of emergency backup dependent care per contract period. ...


  1. I wonder how many people will submit claims for reimbursement with "Grandma's Daycare" for a free $500. This is like the states that pay relatives for "home health care." Just welfare disguised as healthcare.

  2. 3:37, maybe but if it's like the child and dependent care tax credit, the provider would have to give an SSN or EIN and would be issued a 1099 so they'd owe taxes on it. And if Grandma does watch the kid when daycare is closed and a FO frontline staffer doesn't have to cancel all her appointments for the day, I think that's a good thing.

  3. As someone who is providing "free healthcare" for a disabled adult relation, someone who would cost the state a pretty penny if that were how his life was set up outside the house, the idea that getting some remuneration for this is somehow "welfare" says more about the commenters political views than about knowledge about the subject. State paid health care aids get minimum wage. Family doing same job is "expected" as if it's no big deal. It is a big deal. So is keeping an employee focused on the job when a backup day care situation arises likely has a solid return on investment.

  4. Wonder how many reps will adopt a similar policy in the offices they run?

  5. SSA had this benefit until like 2017 or 2018. It was terminated around the same time as the glasses reimbursement.
