
Mar 25, 2024

Definition Of Public Assistance Regulations Advances

      The Social Security Administration has asked the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve these final regulations:

We propose to expand the definition of a public assistance (PA) household for purposes of our programs, particularly the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, to include the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as an additional means-tested public income maintenance (PIM) program. In addition, we seek public comment on expanding the definition to include households in which any other (as opposed to every other) member receives public assistance. We expect that the proposed rule would decrease the number of SSI applicants and recipients charged with in-kind support and maintenance (ISM). In addition, we expect that this proposal would decrease the amount of income we would deem to SSI applicants or recipients because we would no longer deem income from ineligible spouses and parents who receive SNAP benefits and live in the same household. These policy changes would reduce administrative burden for low-income households and SSA.


  1. This is a back-door method of eliminating most ISM cases in dozens of states. Better yet, just get rid of ISM (a pipe dream because Congress).

  2. You know, though, doing this could potentially have a major effect in another area that is under major focus now: overpayment waivers.

    If a person is not at fault in causing an overpayment, recovery will normally defeat the purpose of Title II for purposes of waiver of recovery if the overpaid person is a member of an SSI or public assistance household. SNAP benefits are currently specifically excluded in POMS from the definition of public assistance under the current rules.

    Simply stated, I don't think they can say SNAP is a public assistance program for SSI ISM purposes and then not acknowledge the same for purposes of Title II.
