
Apr 18, 2024

Congressional Hearing On GPO/WEP

     The House Social Security Subcommittee held a hearing on Tuesday on the Government Pension Offset/Windfall Elimination Provision in the Social Security Act that deal with cases in which a person is eligible for both Social Security benefits and a pension based upon earnings not covered by FICA. Two of the four witnesses called for modification of the formulas used to determine the offset and another called for its elimination. As things stand now, it's highly unlikely that anything will be done about this.


  1. I really don’t see the issue with WEP or GPO. They make sense when you break them down. The “it’s not fair” argument just doesn’t hold water.

    1. Exactly. Specifically in terms of GPO, the amount of times I’ve heard WAHHHH, this isn’t FAIR!! But yet they refuse to acknowledge that an SSA recipient survivor doesn’t get their benefit AND their spouses benefit, they get the higher of the two. So a normal SSA survivor actually has a 100% offset against their own benefit. GPO is only a 2/3 offset against their pension.

  2. What a waste of a hearing. The chances of legislation passing are slim to none. Why not have a hearing on the horrible service by this agency due the lack of funding? The employees in this agency need help and it’s not coming.

  3. Certain interest groups like NARFE keep pushing legislation to eliminate WEP and GPO since that’s what their base wants them to do. Sadly, they overlook the bigger picture and that is saving Social Security.


  5. 11:44 and 11:50.

    Exactly on point. This is grandstanding for votes. There will be no legislation and nothing done on trust fund solvency.

    I see a future where the trust fund will be abolished and all benefits will be paid out of the general fund. What else will happen? Congress is content to do nothing.

  6. The only issue I have is when you’re receiving both OPM disability and Social Security. OPM is offset against what you get from Social Security but if you were a vet VA benefits aren’t offset against Social Security. Since both are government employees they should be the same.
