
Apr 9, 2024

Past Relevant Work Regs Advance

     The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved final regulations on Intermediate Improvement to the Disability Adjudication Process, Including How we Consider Past Work. When published as a proposal these included a reduction in the time period for considering past relevant work from 15 years to 5. Expect to see the regulations in the Federal Register soon. 

    I hope the effective date isn't six months into the future.


  1. The initial rule change notice appears to hint at it being implemented pretty quickly, stating:

    "Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

    We estimate that implementation of the proposed rule would result in an increase in scheduled SSDI benefits of $22.9 billion, a net reduction in scheduled old-age and survivors insurance (OASI) benefits of $6.5 billion, and an increase in Federal SSI payments of $3.9 billion in total over fiscal years 2024 through 2033, assuming implementation for all decisions made on or after May 6, 2024"

    Not a guarantee, but notable that they originally intended it to be implemented on May 6, 2024.

  2. This would be a great change. Having to go back 15 years is ridiculous and most beneficiaries (rightfully so) can't remember the details of jobs going that far back anyways.
