
May 1, 2024

How Much Do VEs and MEs Make?

     This is from a Freedom of Information Act response that Social Security posted recently.


  1. What I'm amazed at is how ME's are supposed to be randomly selected for hearings, yet low granting judges always seem to be able to get the same unfavorable ME's to testify. I would love to see a FOIA request to show which ME's testify before which judges and how much they are paid annually to do so.

  2. The pool of MEs is so low precisely bc of how little they get paid . A buddy asked me to forward the materials to get added to the roster but laughed and declined once he saw how low the payment is. You truly get what you pay for

    It’s even more glaring when you see how high the VHR pay is.

  3. The same problem with VE selection- not random. There is a list of VE payments available. But I think many MEs work for an agency-- maybe out of Texas? I can't remember the name. The VEs that are favored by certain judges do quite a business in our area. Here is the list of ME and VE payments from 2018.

  4. MEs all work for a couple contractors (depending on geography). The rates you listed are a bit higher now. But no practicing doctor is interested. I have solicited dr. friends and they laugh or don't respond. We get retirees looking for some extra cash.

    The pool of available candidates is EXTREMELY small, so the likelihood of getting the same one is high...depending on specialty. For example, there may be only 3-5 orthopedists nationally.

    VEs are random, they are basically assigned by an algorithm. This is relatively new, but 100% random currently.

    FYI, I am an OHO office manager.

  5. In AZ, we only have a selection of like 4-5. Most are ok; one is awful. They testified someone could be a car porter despite being unable to drive.
