
Jun 2, 2024

Wait Time To Get Hearing

April 2024 numbers. From Social Security. Click on image to view full size.



  1. I was under the impression that the wait times for disability application was 180 days. When did the rules change to double the acceptable time limit?

    1. Don't understand what you are thinking. It took me 2 1/2 years to get my first hearing and 2 1/2 years after that for my second. BC... Before Covid.

  2. That’s interesting. I’m in an office that’s in the 271-370 range, and every hearing request date I had in May was from October and November 2023 for the local office. I’m guessing we may be pushed out over 270 days due to remote offices and limited ability to schedule VTC hearings.

  3. 6:54, the wait time for an initial decision was around 180 days (it's gone up--about 231 days in April according to the SSA website) but this chart is of the wait time to get a hearing. So the people waiting here have already been denied at the initial and reconsideration stages.

  4. @6:54

    There is not an express statutory limit to how long SSA can wait to hold a hearing. The last time a Court attempted to require SSA hold hearing within 180 days, the supreme court reversed. Heckler v. Day, 467 U.S. 104, 104 S.Ct. 2249, 81 L.Ed.2d 88 (1984). The closest there is to any sort of limit on SSA that I am aware of is, interim benefits are to be paid if there is a 110-day delay after a favorable decision, and SSA has failed to issue a notice of award. But that's about the only time limit I am aware of as to what SSA has to do.

    Lots of time limits in the process, they just all cut against the claimant/recipient.
