
Jul 5, 2024

Little Support For Cutting Social Security

     Poll results from the Pew Research Center:


  1. Polls don’t mean anything but action does. Congress has not lifted a finger on the solvency issue at SSA and they probably won’t. The public should expect across the board benefit cuts in the future.

  2. Raise the cap or eliminate it entirely with a reduction in benefits correlated to earnings. For those who have income over 250k from ant source, your retirement/disability benefits are reduced according to a sliding scale.

    1. Raising the cap will not happen in this divided country. The reality is the automatic across the board benefit cut of 22% will happen in 2034 if not sooner. This our new reality.

    2. What do you base that on? There are a lot of Magas and deep red conservatives on disability and retirement. They want a smaller federal government only to the extent that it doesn't affect them. Now the conservative elite may disagree but no one with ANY political sense is going to allow benefits to get cut, unless they aren't running again.

  3. Theres no support for cutting benefits but others may get their wish that SSA is constantly kept understaffed for decades and burning them out so that we have a PR incident like the IRS

    1. Support or not the SSA cuts are automatic unless Congress acts.

  4. let's view this from another perspective....what would happen if the cuts took place right now, today? Millions of people whose sole income is SS retirement or disability would find themselves unable to pay for rent, or food. It would be a catastrophe! Not only would those directly affected be hurt but their families and friends who may already be helping those people with paying bills and buying food. I know I would immediately be homeless with a 21% cut as expenses now are way too tight. I am a SSDI recipient with little to no hope of ever returning to the workforce. I think it would be a disaster on society,. maybe as bad as the Great Depression.

  5. Dwight Eisenhower was extremely astute when he said that the party that killed social security would self-destruct and never be heard from again. The elite political class has gotten this far by demagoguing, gerrymandering, and helped on by corporate democratic neglect and abandonment as far as their traditional role in sounding the alarm about this. I say the elite pols and their corporate backers should go for it and then immediately outlaw future elections because the party the public blames for it will be wiped out in the greatest political landslide in American History. It will be seismic and the party taking the blame will be in the minority for decades. The result will be a highly committed overwhelming political majority united in a common interest and they will be mad as hell. Every politician in Washington will be thrown out and replaced. It will be one of the greatest public political clarifying moments in American History.

  6. The Republican Party wants to implement project 2025. They could care less about saving Social Security.

    1. The only ones talking about Project 2025 are Democrats. Trump's platform proposals look NOTHING like Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, let alone the caricatures of it that Democrats are spreading. Sounds like misinformation, to me!

  7. The Heritage Foundation (project 2025) and the World Economic forum are Think Tanks along with activists. What they propose is just that, proposals and it really means nothing with regards to Social Security. As I said at "7:20 PM, July 05, 2024" the situation in this country with cuts like those coming (without some changes) cannot happen without a total breakdown of society!

  8. The Project 2025 playbook was written by more than 20 officials whom Trump himself appointed during his first term. This plan would change how the government operates from immigration, abortion and about 50,000 federal employees who would be relieved of their duties for donating money to the opposition party.

  9. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Raising the cap will not happen in this divided country. The reality is the automatic across the board benefit cut of 22% will happen in 2034 if not sooner. This our new reality."

    I disagree. Any politician dumb enough to let Social Security cuts happen would face angry mobs. Nothing would motivate active opposition quite like seeing elderly family members on fixed incomes across the country who can no longer afford rent or food. By now everyone knows that the projected shortfall can be fixed by requiring upper income earners to make up the difference. They've enjoyed huge tax cuts for years. Time to ante up and put need before greed.
