
Jul 24, 2024

New Video On Commissioner's Goals

    Social Security has released a new video concerning the new Commissioner's goals. I wish I could it embed it here but I can't find a way so you'll have to click on the link. 

    Take a look and tell us your opinion.


  1. I’m wondering how much money was spent to produce this useless video?

  2. The goal should be to get enough employees to do the job well. Most in the field know that the numbers are real people. We are and talk to them daily. Get us enough employees to do the job well.

  3. 9:57 - almost nothing, one maybe 2 staffers for maybe a day would pull that together.

  4. He makes one of these pointless videos everyday and spams us with them via email.

  5. Behind every number is a person that needs help. Great talking point but it does not reflect reality.

    RICHMOND, Va – Earl Barry is frustrated with what he said has been a "demoralizing" experience navigating the process to apply for disability through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Barry told CBS 6 he has been going back and forth with the SSA on claims for more than a year.

    This is the tip of the iceberg for disability backlogs

  6. Ya, because when I call Social Security, I picture them, as the photo above shows, sitting there just like that with smiles on their faces. 🙄

  7. Yeah, we got away from realizing those were real people when we kicked the public out of the office and went home to telework. If you want to change the culture, you'll need to bring the staff and public back. Until then, the staff lives for themselves. Each transaction is just another burden to deal with, one more push of the button, one more transaction before the kids are home. In the field, staff stopped caring when telework began. It's that simple.

    1. The American public isn't coming back. Here in flyover country your local office can be over an hour away. A hearings office, even farther. Or better yet ask people to drive downtown to a federal building, pay to park blocks away then stand in line to get screened twice then sit in the lobby for an hour.

    2. Nobody ever made customers come in. They had a choice. They largely lost their choice with our current practices.

  8. NO ONE who works for SSA in ANY component is smiling like that at work. If you want employees to treat the public better, the Agency needs to treat employees better.

  9. His smile says "I just denied my first claim!".

    1. We get paid the same if a claim is approved, denied or sits for months. I liked allowances because the beneficiary was happy. I didn't need to process an appeal and/or see him file again many times. There's no joy in denying someone.

  10. The only people that need to be reminded there is a person behind every number are the people pushing the numbers. Those of us who work the front lines see the person and their hardship every day. But we don’t have the time to do the work. We have three focus areas forced down our throat and if you are not working one of those areas then you are demeaned by the Area and Regional offices.
    Someone needs review of earnings to reinstate benefits? Sorry, had to sit. We have RZs that need done.

    Someone needs their back pay released? Sorry we have to get that initial claim to DDS.

    Have someone file a recon to correct a record? Oh sorry we have to answer the phone so we can have a sub-5 minute wait and over-75% answer rate. So glad we answered your call. But can’t take care of your issue.

  11. I think his whole claim is tone deaf. Those of us who have been at SSA long before him and who will be here after he’s gone know that each number is a real person. It’s why many of us keep doing this job. We don’t need him to remind us of that, we just need some long term leadership stability and proper staffing. We want to care for everyone but right now there is too many “everyone’s” for us to care about each one. We hate that just as much as everyone. Give us the staff we need!

  12. To the field office employees on here who think the Commissioner is doing such a great job, isn't this insulting to you? That a guy who has been here six months KNOWS you cannot do your job simply because you view claims as numbers rather than people? And isn't he the one who is focused on the numbers with call wait times? Yet you're impressed by this bozo? And don't worry, rather than meet you in person he'll have another glossy video out by noon tomorrow that you are forced to watch on your lunch break.
