
Aug 3, 2024

$81 Million AI Contract

     From a press release:

Accenture Federal Services has won an $81 million artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI / ML) contract from the Social Security Administration (SSA). The company will deliver end-to-end back office intelligent automation services to transform the way 250 million retiree and survivors’ benefits documents are processed every year. The forms are currently being received and managed via email, mail, and fax.

The Social Security Administration has already successfully deployed an enterprise hyperautomation platform that uses advanced deep learning and computer vision techniques to identify data from the agency’s electronic folder, extract text, transcribe data with the highest level of accuracy, and speed processing through downstream business processes. The platform uses internal enterprise data to intelligently and rapidly keep pace with high demand, expedite decision making, and control costs.

Accenture Federal Services will now take this project to the next level providing the licenses necessary to deliver an end-to-end, Infrastructure as a Software (IaaS) roadmap for intelligent automation installation, testing, and training. ...


  1. Accenture Says US Justice Dept Probing Its Services to Government

    By Reuters
    Oct. 12, 2023

  2. How about AI fixes VIPR so that it doesn't take 8 clicks to pull down a customer?
    Or another 10 clicks to refer that person to another employee?

    How about AI makes SSA use the same date format across all programs and inputs?

    Can AI fix it so that CCE isn't a slow, maddening piece of garbage with hard-to-understand exceptions and edits?

    How about using AI to profile incoming worktrack items so that we don't have one CSR permanently tied up on profiling/mail duty?

    Ooooh, how about using AI to fix the SSA dot gov website to actually tell people in plain frigging English what they need for a Social Security card? So that they don't get angry and say YOUR SITE SAYS I CAN USE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE!

    Maybe AI can make one website where CS/CSRs can check their workloads instead of close to a dozen?

    Or oooh, can AI magically fix the most annoying IT tendency SSA has, which is designing programs that MUST open in their own new browser window instead of a tab.

    Or can AI maybe fix the next most-annoying thing, which is all their programs timing out after like 37 seconds of non-use via a dialog box that gets hidden behind the nest of other programs you must use and have open, but freezes you from using other Edge tabs until you close it?

    How about AI just replaces HR in Baltimore and quits hiring ITT graduates to design our systems, and then all the above problems resolve themselves?

  3. @7:37pm,

    Nah, they won't do any of that.

    Instead, they'll just train up the AI to watch your lists and send you a constant stream of popups and emails about all the old, ancient stuff you haven't done yet because you don't have time. That way, management doesn't have to lift a finger do it themselves.

    Your government in action.

  4. @7:37

    You are spot on. Other than oSSNAP not a single automation release has made our job easier. Everything in the last 12 years has made our jobs harder and inputs take longer. These tools should make it easier / faster. But it is the farthest from reality.

  5. @7:37 Can we be friends? You are so spot on.

  6. No, no children, they are replacing the people with programs. The actual technical work. Admin stuff is easy. They are way past that with OpenAI.

  7. Should have just spent it on overtime.
