
Aug 20, 2024

New Regs On Representation Of Claimants

     The new regulations on representation of claimants and payments to the entities that represent claimants will appear in the Federal Register tomorrow. They will be effective in 30 days. You can read them today. 

    Here's a key comment and response from the explanation of the new regulations:

Comment: Commenters asked how we will ensure that entities are paid for work performed by their salaried employees when that work was performed as a part of the representative’s employment. Commenters had concerns that the proposed rule allows a representative to rescind an assignment prior to the award of a claim, thus creating the possibility that the representative could “take with them the fees to which the firm was clearly entitled.”

Response: While we recognize entities’ concerns about receiving compensation for work done by their employees, representative and entity relationships can take many forms, and we are not in a position to know how those relationships are arranged. We respect the choices entities and representatives make with regard to their employment agreements and contractual terms, and we established a process that is flexible enough to accommodate a variety of relationships. Permitting an individual representative to rescind an assignment is important to that flexibility, as rescission might be appropriate in certain relationships. For example, an employment contract might permit a representative to leave a firm’s employ but continue their representation and collect associated fees. ...

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the regulatory speak way of saying a problem with an employee is a you problem not an SSA problem.
