
Aug 9, 2024

Senators Seek Answers On AI Usage

     From Government Executive:

... Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and ranking member Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, sent a letter to Social Security Administration Commissioner Martin O’Malley asking for information about how the agency is complying with the Biden administration’s March policy mandating safeguards for AI use. ...

Wyden and Crapo also warned O’Malley against overly relying on artificial intelligence as he seeks to chart a path out of Social Security’s customer service crisis, spurred primarily by a slow disinvestment in the agency by Congress, leading to the agency having its smallest workforce in 30 years amid the greatest number of beneficiaries in history. ...


  1. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has been expanding its use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to bridge the gap on creating customer experience improvements even as it faces staffing shortages and budget uncertainty, the head of the agency said this week.

    SSA Commissioner Martin O’Malley talked about the agency’s AI use during an April 23 webinar organized by Federal News Network.

    He said SSA has deployed a “tool AI” – not a generative AI technology, that “allows us to really zero in, curate, and search large medical records.”

    “We are doing things every day that improve the customer experience that take advantage of modern tools and technology,” said O’Malley.

  2. IMAGEN analyzes clinical text from disability applicants health records and transforms it to data and other useful formats to enable disability adjudicators to more easily find and identify clinical content that is relevant to SSA’s disability determination process. IMAGEN leverages various Artifcial Intelligence (AI) machine learning technologies including Natural Language Processing (NLP), data modeling and predictive analytics to provide new tools and services that improve the organization and visualization of specific medical encounters, medical reports and lab results that will improve the efficiency and consistency of disability determinations and decisions. IMAGEN analytics platform will also support other high-priority agency initiatives such as Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR).

  3. The sad truth is SSA has never developed or contracted for computer programs/software or hardware for that matter that work very well. It always seems like there is never any Beta testing or truly probative pilots. SSA is the land of the work around which usually do not work nor get around the problem without causing more.
