
Sep 14, 2024

China Raising Retirement Age

     From NPR:

... Starting next year, China will raise its retirement age for workers, which is now among the youngest in the world's major economies, in an effort to address its shrinking population and aging work force. ...

The policy change will be carried out over 15 years, with the retirement age for men raised to 63 years, and for women to 55 or 58 years depending on their jobs. The current retirement age is 60 for men and 50 for women in blue-collar jobs and 55 for women doing white-collar work. ...


  1. This is what happens in a dictatorship. Hopefully, our legislators can get together and solve the solvency issue at Social Security with new leadership.

  2. Nobody talks about that for years Communist China had a lower retirement age especially for women and a much greater senior population. This puts our country to shame.
