
Sep 19, 2024

Why Change?

     A tweet from Social Security:

Starting October 2024, SSI check recipients will receive their SSI checks in a WHITE envelope instead of a BLUE envelope. It’s quick and easy to get your payments electronically. ...

     Yes, there are still SSI claimants receiving paper checks. Unfortunately, they are, on the whole, a group of people who can be confused by small things.


  1. And they probably don't truck in tweets. Such stupidity. Hopefully they have been using other means of communication. Otherwise I predict there will be a slew of "I didn't get my check" calls. Then replacement checks will be needed because those white envelopes got tossed. Stop breaking things that don't need fixing.

  2. I assume for the same reason they stopped sending out checks in yellow envelopes, white is more uniform and therefore less prone to theft. I suppose it also would save marginally on printing costs.

    1. Exactly. But because it’s the government doing this very reasonable thing, we get to hear all the wing-nuts complain about how the change is imperfect in this way and that.

    2. White envelopes may marginally stop some thefts but you have no idea of what goes on if you think it will be a real deterrent. It is just going to confuse beneficiaries and add another work load. 30 years with the Agency so I guess that does qualify me as a wing-nut.

    3. Agency insider here. Can confirm there are a lot of wing-nuts working inside SSA.

  3. When they stopped the SSI check being gold and made it green, people with long Agency experience wailed about it being the end of the world and the world didn't end. Taking the SSN off of things also caused wails of how terrible this will be, but the people adapted. If it saves a few cents per envelope to not use a color, can't say SSA isn't scraping up ways to save a few bucks.

    1. No, not the end of the world but it was a convenient way to determine what benefits a person was receiving. What color is your check said if it was SSI to Title II. What color is your envelope serves the same purpose. So does when do you get your check. All identify the kind of benefit because way too many of our clients don't know what they are getting and knowing helps answer many questions.

  4. I remember when SSI checks were "gold." Lot of outrage about stigmatizing the recipients vis a vis Tiitle II recipients. SSI checks were pronto changed to green. I don't remember if the courts were involved; didn't last long enough for that, I suspect. Were Title II checks recently coming in blue envelopes? People worry about weird stuff; letter carriers certainly didn't care (I was one in summer of 71). Made no sense to me (in OGC 72 to 82) that the checks were yellow to begin with.

  5. Darn now I can't just quickly look for those blue envelopes to swipe from the mail
