
Oct 1, 2024

New Acting Inspector General


     A press release from yesterday:

Today, Hannibal “Mike” Ware joined the Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) as Acting Inspector General. He will continue to serve in his role as the Inspector General of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), providing leadership to both agencies until a permanent SSA Inspector General is appointed. ...

“I am honored to have the confidence of the President to provide interim leadership within SSA OIG and to simultaneously continue my commitment to the mission of SBA OIG,” said Inspector General Ware. “This dual role underscores the importance of strong, independent oversight across federal programs to ensure they operate effectively and with integrity.  I am committed to keeping the heads of both establishments and Congress fully and currently informed of the oversight activities and findings.


  1. Great! There seems to be an acting Chief Judge too

    1. Chris Dillon has been deputy Chief ALJ for almost a decade. He seems to be subbing for Neagle who's been offline on SSA Skype for over two months. But he's not new, he's been cosigning emails for years.

  2. Though Ware stressed that his time at SSA would only be on an interim basis, Biden has yet to nominate a permanent replacement for the Senate’s consideration. According to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, an acting official may serve for up to 210 days, backdated to the start of the position’s vacancy. In Ware’s case, his eligibility to serve in this acting role will expire on Jan. 24, just in time for Vice President Harris or former President Trump to select their own inspector general.
