
Dec 18, 2024

WEP/GPO Bill Expected To.Reach Senate Floor Today

      The bill to end the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset, which has already passed the House of Representatives, is expected to reach the Senate floor today


  1. I have relatives that will benefit if it passes but I don't think it should because it will just drain the trust fund quicker. This will be one of the the thousands cuts that kills SS as we know it. Careful what you wish for. If the cap was removed, I would be all for rescinded the offset provisions.

  2. Can you imagine 2.5 to 3 million people trying to get into an SSA field office in the next few months to have their benefits recalculated RETROACTIVELY because Congress couldn't bother to amend the two-year old bill draft's effective date?

  3. We might be headed towards a government shutdown but yet have the means to making the Social Security trust fund closer to insolvency?

    Eliminating the WEP and GPO would cost Social Security an additional $196 billion over the next 10 years and cause the program to become insolvent six months sooner.
