
Dec 27, 2024

What Happened To Michelle Murray's Lawsuit?

     I posted this on October 31, 2023:

Michelle Murray, Chief Counsel of Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG), has filed suit on her own behalf pro se (meaning she is representing herself) in federal court in Pennsylvania against Debbie Shaw (Supervisory Attorney at the Office of the Counsel for Investigations and Enforcement -- or OCIE -- at OIG), Joscelyn Funnie (Senior Executive at OCIE), Lisa Rein (a reporter at the Washington Post), WP Company (which owns the Washington Post -- identified in the complaint as "left-centered"), Faith Williams (Director of the Effective and Accountable Government Program at the Project on Government Oversight) and the Project on Government Oversight. The complaint alleges defamation, tortious interference, and false light invasion of privacy. My name is mentioned but not as a defendant.

    Does anyone know what ever happened to this suit? Is it still around?


  1. It appears to still be pending 1:24-cv-00640 in Middle District of PA. The last filings involved motions and responses in November 2024. Did not feel like going through PACER to get more info and charges

  2. @10:28 are we sure Charles is a lawyer if he can't get this basic information on his own?

  3. Sometimes we all hope there is a quick pointer to an article or someone authoritatively knows off the top of their head. It's exhausting to have to dig into everything, and frankly, Charles more than his fair share of making it easier for the rest of us.
