
Dec 31, 2024

What If?

     It's unlikely to happen but let's say that just before Inauguration Day, the Social Security Administration finally releases its new occupational information system and let's say it shows no unskilled, sedentary jobs. People would reasonably ask why it wasn't released earlier but, still, this would be a nice bomb for the Biden Administration to leave behind for a new Commissioner.

    As I say, it's unlikely to happen but a guy can have dreams.


  1. The Silverware Wrapper position will always be a sedentary unskilled job. The better argument coming might be that there are no jobs in the national or regional economy that the claimant can do because those jobs are accomplished by AI. And the Tesla robot now performs the silverware wrapper jobs.

    1. how many full-time non-composite silverware wrappers are there? are there unskilled, sedentary jobs that are full-time (not mixed with jobs requiring more skill or a higher exertional level) and exist in significant numbers?

  2. What if Santa comes down the chimney with the pony I requested last Christmas? We can all dream but it doesn’t mean it will happen.

  3. President Biden is too busy leaving as many land mines for the upcoming revenge tour but keep the eggnog flowing.

  4. Looking at the ORS, there are hundreds of thousands (millions?) of unskilled. sedentary jobs. But they are not the ones typically identified by vocational experts.

  5. Just have your clients claim to be VEs, because all you have to do is make stuff up and act like it is real data.

    1. Just like treating source statements!

  6. @10:23 Likely some jobs if you only limit to sedentary unskilled. Once you ding those job numbers for other limitation categories covered in the ORS (requires going through multiple ORS charts), the numbers typically disappear or get much smaller. Especially with significant contact, sitting, and standing limitations. My prediction: A lot of VEs will be lazy and not bother to check the ORS charts to reduce job numbers appropriately for the limitations identified. Luckily, the ORS charts are available and can be submitted as rebuttal evidence when that happens.

  7. Be careful what you wish for, representatives. The number of unskilled, sedentary, work-at-home positions in this day and age is massive. The DOT of the 1970s would consider using an iPhone a highly skilled task. Today, toddlers use them. Factoring in technological advancements, telework, and the portability of work, there may be a lot more jobs than you can imagine. Happy 2025.

  8. Oh how I love the silverware wrapper! Since the fish hook factory closed years ago, we've had no more unskilled sedentary work in the Mississippi Delta. I've seen restaurant workers wrap silverware, but that's just a small part of what they do during the day.
