
Dec 13, 2006

Social Security Budget To Be Decided Early On

The chairmen of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees have jointly announced that they intend to pass a year long continuing funding resolution early in the next Congress for the entire government. If this resolution is the same as the continuing funding resolution already approved through February 15, 2007 (and that will certainly be the starting point), Social Security is in deep trouble, with staff furloughs inevitable. The furloughs might be the most dramatic problem, but the agency would avoid even longer furloughs only by a near complete hiring freeze, no overtime and a very limited budget for things like equipment purchases and travel. All of this put together would certainly cause dramatic increases in the agency's already terrible backlogs. Social Security must now seek urgently to get an adjustment in the continuing funding agreement to allow more operating funds, but this effort may be crippled since the two top positions at the agency, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, will soon be vacant, leaving Social Security almost leaderless.

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