
Dec 13, 2006

SSAB Meeting Agenda

The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) has announced the following agenda for its meeting on December 15, 2006.

Social Security Advisory Board
Meeting Agenda
Friday December 15, 2006

10:30 a.m. - 1145 a.m. Linda Maxfield, Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Policy,

Social Security Administration

1:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Richard V. Burkhauser,

Professor and Chair,

Department of Policy Analysis and Management,

Cornell University

Debra Bailey Whitman,

Specialist in the Economics of Aging,

Congressional Research Service

The meeting will be held in the Board's conference room, Suite 625

400 Virginia Avenue, SW

Washington, DC

The agenda suggests that the Board is trying to come up with some dramatic proposal for "Social Security reform." There are even some straws in the wind suggesting that the SSAB wants to propose something before the next Congress convenes. The rest of us may roll our eyes upon hearing that there are actually people who believe that there will be some agreement in the next two years on "Social Security reform" that will satisfy Congressional Democrats and Republicans and President Bush, even though none of the parties has any interest in raising taxes or cutting benefits and most of the Republicans still suffer from the delusion that adding some sort of private accounts to Social Security will help the situation instead of making it worse.

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