
Jul 2, 2007

Legislation To Speed Up Social Security Disability Benefits For Veterans

From the Baltimore Sun:
U.S. Rep. John Sarbanes of Maryland has introduced legislation that will streamline the process in which disabled war veterans receive government benefits. ...

The legislation, which has 36 co-sponsors ... will allow a veteran who receives a 100 percent disability rating from the VA to receive Social Security benefits quicker than the prolonged waiting period now in place.

1 comment:

  1. "If you're a veteran and you're deemed 100 percent disabled ... the Social Security Administration still makes you go through a lengthy process," said Pia Carusone, a spokeswoman for Sarbanes. "If the VA says you're 100 percent disabled, the Social Security needs to agree with that, and expedite the process."

    This is one of those feel good vote buyer bills. Social Security law considers you disabled if you are unable to do work at SGA level because of your disability. I would assume VA only looks at if you are fit for military duty. Not fair to everyone else applying for disability, just as I think giving the blind a higher SGA level is unfair.
