
Jul 3, 2007

No Early Intervention Funding

From today's Federal Register:
In the Federal Register notice of January 29, 2007 (72 FR 4049), we announced a funding opportunity, as follows: Early Identification and Intervention Demonstration Request for Applications; Program: Cooperative Agreements for Early Identification and Intervention Demonstrations (EIID); Program Announcement No. SSA-OPDR-07-01. We are canceling that announcement now because the goals of the cooperative agreement to design and implement developmental screening models and improve the early identification of children with delays and/or disabilities are no longer feasible due to Agency budget limitations.
I am happy to see this. The Social Security Administration has no business administering grants to begin with. It is not the agency's role. Under current budget circumstances, it is just ridiculous. I have seen no evidence that any grant issued by Social Security has ever produced any benefit for the American people.

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