
Sep 29, 2007

Charlotte Observer On Consultative Examinations

From the Charlotte Observer:
Jessie Johnson rolled his wheelchair into a small doctor's office for one of the most important appointments of his life. ,,,

But in 16 minutes Johnson emerged, wondering what had just happened.

"I could have done that exam myself," Johnson said.

He is among hundreds of Charlotte area workers who file into Glenn Baumblatt's University City office each year seeking Social Security disability benefits. ...

"The exams are bogus," said Linda Fullerton, president of the Social Security Disability Coalition, an advocacy group for the disabled. "The system is set up so you give up or die." ...

The Observer found:

Frequent allegations that doctors spent too little time with patients. Federal rules require doctors to set aside at least 30 minutes to one hour per appointment. About half of those interviewed said their exams were shorter than 20 minutes.

Former and current applicants and their attorneys who described odd behavior by doctors. Some complained of curious attire, such as a Hawaiian shirt. In another instance, an attorney said a doctor spent only minutes, discussing television shows, then dismissed his client.

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