
Sep 29, 2007

Restroom Case Costly For SSA

From the Baltimore Sun:
A lot of people have done it - used the handicapped restroom stall at work when others were available. But the bad manners usually don't cost an employer thousands of dollars.

An administrative judge awarded a Social Security Administration employee who uses a wheelchair $6,500 in damages this year after nondisabled co-workers occupied the handicapped stall and caused the employee to urinate in his pants on three occasions.

The agency, Administrative Judge Laurence Gallagher ruled, discriminated against the Woodlawn-based worker by not doing enough to prevent the humiliation after he complained several times and resorted to bringing a change of clothes to work.

1 comment:

  1. I use them all the time. I like having room when I'm in the library doing paper work. I say that guy should buy some Depends or go a little sooner.
