
Nov 5, 2007

Federal Register Alert

A notice about an item to appear in the Federal Register tomorrow:


Social security benefits and supplemental security income:

Federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance, and aged, blind, and disabled--

Compassionate allowances for rare diseases; hearing, E7-21828

I think this is only about a public hearing, rather than an actual proposed rule. Social Security rarely holds public hearings about proposed rules, but they can. Michael Astrue may be familiar with this sort of public hearing process from his prior experience with the Food and Drug Administration.


  1. seems like mere PR. SSA already has multiple prgrams that try to direct easy early pays for such people. Give it a nice new name and respin it. No problem

  2. Agree. Makes one wonder what all the other allowances are. Reluctant allowances? Forced allowances?
