
Nov 5, 2007

Verification Now Required For Comments

Because this blog has been hit lately with dozens of roboposts, I have had to implement word verification for commenting. It is a small extra step to prevent what amounts to spam.


  1. Robot posts? You mean the ones that don't agree with you, that illegal aliens shouldn't be here and that the government is wasting tax payers money and spending us into a hole we will never get out of. You mean those posts?

  2. You, dear poster, need to chill. Charles does a huge service here--and he has a perfect right to express his views as he sees fit. You can comment to your heart's content, but please let's be civil.

  3. Agree with second poster who advises chill factor.

    There's no reason why a site administrator should have to put up with "zombie" traffic. Takes up too much time to delete and then as the time eats away at resources, the site owner feels less compelled to post valuable info because there's no time.
