
Nov 28, 2007

Major Media Stories Coming

There are major news media stories on Social Security's disability backlogs in the works.

There have been reports over the last month or so that CBS News is doing a story on Social Security's disability backlogs. It has been unclear to me whether the story is for 60 Minutes or for the CBS Evening News.

The New York Times is currently doing a story on the same subject. A New York Times reporter, Eric Eckholm, came to my office on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Eckholm and a cameraman visited the homes of several of my firm's clients that day and the next, returning to New York on Thanksgiving morning. My understanding is that Eckholm is interviewing Commissioner Astrue this week. I know that Eckholm has been in contact with a number of other people concerning the story.

I cannot say when either of these stories will run.


  1. The treatment of contractors needs to be investigated. They routinely work off the clock.

  2. Someone should also look into the hundreds of millions of dollars that Barnhart wasted on DSI, eDib missteps, and all of her various ill-conceived return-to-work pilot programs.

  3. If SSA wants to even make a dent in the backlog, it needs to fill every open position in every office. There are positions at the ALJ level going unfilled after people leave or retire. Their salary is in the budget- use it. You have the space, you paid for expensive video conference equipment, use it and hear some of the oldest cases from around the country. It certainly would be more cost effective than setting up new space in Falls Church!
