
Nov 28, 2007

Social Security's Not The Only Agency With Disability Problems

From the Raleigh News and Observer:
The Department of Veterans Affairs fell further behind this year in its attempts to give veterans timely decisions on their disability claims, new records show.

The latest numbers are in an annual report the VA prepares for Congress detailing a range of short- and long-term goals for its disability, health and other benefit programs. Overall, the agency either has fallen behind or has made no progress in improving its performance in more than half of what it lists as its key goals.

In the benefits measure the VA has said is "most critical to veterans" -- the speed of processing disability claims -- the agency lost ground for the third year in a row.

1 comment:

  1. Well surprise, surprise! What do people think will happen when you drastically increase the number of disabled veterans by starting a war and you don't beef up the agencies that handle the claims?
