
Mar 20, 2008

Last Chance To Enter Social Security News Bracket Challenge

Enter the Social Security News NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge and test your knowledge of NCAA basketball! To enter, go to the ESPN Tournament Challenge website for the Social Security News group. The password is "Michael Astrue", without the quotation marks. There is no fee for entry.

There is no prize for winning other than the recognition you will receive here.

You can make an entry up to about noon today Eastern time, which is when the tournament begins.

1 comment:

  1. Due to an editing mistake "one of" was omitted from our recent our recent press release. The press release should have read "Advantage 2000 is one of America's leading Social Security Disability Insurance firms." To the best of our knowledge, Allsup Inc. is the largest private Social Security Disability representation firm, both in terms of revenue generated and individuals represented. We regret any confusion this may have caused.

    Craig Smith
    Director of Business Development
    Advantage 2000 Consultants
