
Apr 3, 2008

Computing The SSA CLD Score

The Social Security Administration's new Listing for End Stage Liver Disease includes the following formula for computing what the agency is calling the SSA CLD (Social Security Administration Chronic Liver Disease) score:

9.57 x [Loge(serum creatinine mg/dL)]
+3.78 x [Loge(serum total bilirubin mg/dL)]
+11.2 x [Loge(INR)]

If your score is 22 or greater, you meet the Listing.

For non-math majors, which includes the vast majority of attorneys and physicians, this is not so easy to compute. I see no sign that anyone other than the Social Security Administration is using this formula.

I would guess that someone, somewhere has put together a spread sheet or something such to simplify this computation. What is the Social Security Administration telling Disability Examiners and physicians about computing this? Has the agency given its own personnel or state agency personnel anything to help with this computation? Is there anything that anyone can share?


  1. Charles, I put together a spreadsheet and made it available on the NCATL DAS listserve. Check the archives for a February 20 posting.

    After I did so, it was posted on Connect that anyone with a scientific calculator can easily do the calculation using the "In" button to calculate the log-e.

  2. You can access the calculator on SSA's web site. All you have to do is put the lab values in and hit "calculate"

  3. You mentioned no one uses this calculation but ssa. In a video I saw Mr Astrue said it was based on MELD score used to determine where to put a person on the transplant list
    I found this, but don't know if they are identically calculated and used
