
Apr 4, 2008

Payment Delays

Generally, I do not post this sort of story, since this sort of thing is inevitable and is virtually never the fault of the Social Security Administration, since it is the Department of the Treasury that prints and mails the checks and the Postal Service that delivers them. I think this one is worth posting just to remind everyone how urgently important those Social Security checks are and how wildly implausible it is that Social Security will go bankrupt and stop paying benefits at some point in the future.

From KIII in South Texas:
Hundreds of Coastal Bend residents, perhaps thousands, are unhappy tonight with the social security system. Or at least the part they depend on. That's because Social Security checks that were supposed to be in the hands of recepients Thursday did not arrive. Our newsroom was flooded with phone calls from folks who were upset because they did not get their money on time. Many of whom depend on that money as their only source to eat and live.
By the way, yes, they should be using direct deposit and, yes, the local Social Security office manager did emphasize that point.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know how much direct deposit would save the agency? tons
