
Apr 8, 2008

New York Congressman On Social Security Service

From the Daily Star of Oneonta, NY:

Rep. Michael Arcuri, D-Utica, is seeking congressional oversight of local Social Security Administration field offices to ensure seniors are getting quality service.

During a stop at the Nader Towers senior community Monday, Arcuri announced his support for the Social Security Customer Service Improvement Act, H.R. 5110.

The Social Security legislation would require congressional notification and justification at least six months before a field office is closed or has its hours limited. It also would require the SSA to provide statistics to Congress on pending cases, staffing levels and backlogs at these offices within its annual budget estimate.

Arcuri said an SSA field office in Auburn closed, and he suspects more of the 11 offices in the 24th Congressional District could close, leaving residents with a travel burden when they deal with Social Security issues.

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