
Apr 7, 2008

Where The New ALJs Are Going -- And Why 135 New ALJs Instead of 144?

The Social Security Administration has posted a spreadsheet showing where the 135 newly hired Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) are going. You have to have a spreadsheet program to open it from Social Security's website, but I have reproduced it above. Click on each page to see it full size.

By the way, it was only a little over a month ago that it was supposed to be 144 new ALJs. Why the slippage? It looks like Social Security offered jobs to 144 people, but only hired as many as accepted. After nine applicants turned them down, why did they not offer jobs to nine more applicants so they could hire the 144 they were talking about earlier? Was the talk about 144 ALJs being hired a bit misleading?


  1. ...and where are the names of the new ALJ's??

  2. The last I knew, Syracuse NY had 8500 pending hearings, and Buffalo had 14,000. So Syracuse is getting one or more, and Buffalo is getting none? Of course, the total for the country is a joke--if they each clear 500 hearings per year, that is less than 70,000 of the 750,000 case backlog, which is going to grow in the face of future staffing cutbacks that are inevitable. There are still many hearing requests, sitting in FO's, that are not input nor sent to OHA due to lack of FO staff.
