
Jun 20, 2008

Big Fraud Investigation?

From Dominican Today:

SANTO DOMINGO.- Three United States federal prosecutors, FBI agents and investigators from other agencies are in the country to probe the whereabouts of dozens of millions of dollars bilked from its Social Security System, allegedly laundered in the Dominican Republic.

Justice minister Radhamés Jiménez yesterday said there are leads in the case agaisnt those implicated, but refused give details ...

Jiménez said the U.S. investigators are working with local prosecutors on money laundering in the country, as part of the collaboration in important cases. "In fact, those prosecutors are behind an investigation of an embezzlement committed in the United States and it’s assumes that fruit of that money, of that fiscal fraud against the United States, a large part of all that money was laundered in the Dominican Republic."

The official, who said there could be more information on the case “in a relatively short time,” doesn’t know how long they’ll remain in the country. He stressed that there’s no extradition request.

"There’s information that isn’t public knowledge," he said, but noted that neither politicians nor military have been implicated no far.

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