
Jun 20, 2008

Employee Satisfaction At Social Security

From the National Council Digest, put out by Council 220 of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), which represents a good part of Social Security's workforce:
A poll recently conducted by Council 220 shows that nearly half of the respondents are either “dissatisfied” or “extremely dissatisfied” with their work experience at Social Security. An overwhelming number (79%) also believe that most employees share those same feelings. ...

When asked “do you feel that you have enough time to devote to a quality work product?” a staggering 82 per cent answered “no.” ...

A large number (59%) believe quantity of work is considered more important than quality. ...


  1. A large number (59%) believe quantity of work is considered more important than quality. ...

    "Quantity of work, not Quality of work," I think is the WBDOC motto. Should be carved into the front of the building.

  2. It all goes back to Congress and the White House not passing adequate budgets for many years. To those who blame the Commissioners (past and present) remember that they are political appointees not career SSA employees.
