
Oct 12, 2008

Investigations Of Management Personnel

The National Council of Social Security Management Associations (NCSSMA), an organization of Social Security management personnel, puts out a newsletter. I think they aim to publish it four times a year, but do not always succeed. They have just put out a special issue of their newsletter devoted to one topic, non-criminal investigations of Social Security management personnel. They are concerned that their members are not receiving fair and equitable treatment. This is not the first time that this matter has been covered in the NCSSMA newsletter, but they really seem upset now.

It is interesting that NCSSMA emphasizes in the newsletter that they are not a union. Since NCSSMA members are supervisory personnel, I suppose that it would be impossible for NCSSMA to become a union. However, NCSSMA wants its members treated as well as union members when they are investigated.

This is reminiscent of the way that the Administrative Law Judge Association (AALJ) became a union. The AALJ members were concerned that Social Security management was not treating ALJs as well as it treated union members. Now, Social Security management personnel are concerned that they are not being treated as well as union members. NCSSMA's concerns cannot be a good thing for the Social Security Administration.


  1. "Social Security management personnel are concerned that they are not being treated as well as union members."

    Stop I'm going to cry. LOL

  2. What is good for the goose ...
