
Oct 13, 2008

Results Of Last Week's Unscientific Poll

What effect will the Presidential election results have on Michael Astrue's future as Commissioner of Social Security?

McCain will be elected and Astrue will continue as Commissioner (1) 1%
McCain will be elected, but Astrue will decide to resign (1) 1%
Obama will be elected and Astrue will continue
as Commissioner (18)
Obama will be elected and Astrue will decide to resign (21) 28%
Obama will be elected, Astrue will try to stay as Commissioner,
but Obama and other Democrats will force Astrue to leave (33)

Total Votes: 74

1 comment:

  1. All this poll proves is that most of the people that responded are going to vote for Omaba.

    As I stated previously, that you deleted, should have been worded "If McCain" or "If Obama" gets elected.

    Why couldn't McCain be elected and ask him to leave or he resigns?

    Vote for Obama and every day will be sunshine with a rainbow. LOL
