
Feb 5, 2009

Astrue To Make Appearances With Republican Congresswoman

Fresh off what amounted to a public shouting match with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), a major power in the Democratic party, Michael Astrue is planning to make appearances on Friday with Republican Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite of Florida, a member of the Health and Income Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee. That Subcommittee does have jurisdiction over the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program that Social Security administers.

Update. I am told that Congresswoman Brown-Waite is on the Social Security Subcommittee. Both her website and the Ways and Means website were out of date.


  1. Well if he's going to computer class about the SSA Website I hope he tells them that questions can be submitted to SSA by e-mail at:

  2. Wonder if those questions will be answered with the same accuracy and precision as is provided by the folks answering the phone at the 800#?

  3. "Wonder if those questions will be answered with the same accuracy and precision as is provided by the folks answering the phone at the 800#?"

    At least you won't be on hold. LOL
