
Feb 6, 2009

Baltimore Sun

Yesterday, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) ran a full page ad in the Baltimore Sun demanding the resignation of the head of the Baltimore area's largest employer, the Social Security Administration. The head of that largest employer shot back with some nasty insinuations about the union. Coverage in the Baltimore Sun: nada. Can anyone who lives in the Baltimore area explain this to me?


  1. The only explanation I can offer is a simple one: The Baltimore Sun is not the newspaper it once was. From what I've been told, since the Tribune folks took over, they've downsized it, changed the format, made cuts of various kinds, especially in staffing. It's pretty thin--in all senses.

  2. Yesterday, was 1st time I bought a Sun paper (in paper format) in a long time. It was so thin I could barely pick it up... and 75 cents! Are all newspapers slimming down?

  3. The Sun probably can't figure out a way to make this fit their political agenda. I'm sure if something like this happened when Bush was president the Sun would try somehow to make it his fault.

    The Sun is only good for wrapping fish and lining bird cages.

  4. i get my news from blogspots. print newspapers are the new vhs! my kids don't even know what it is.
