
Feb 26, 2009

President's FY 2010 Budget Summary Released

President Obama's budget summary for the 2010 fiscal year (FY), which begins on October 1, 2009, is out. It calls for $11.6 billion for the Social Security Administration (page 109). This is $1 billion higher than the FY 2009 appropriation for Social Security that just passed the House of Representatives, but only $500 million over the FY 2009 amount when combined with the special appropriation for reducing backlogs in the President's economic stimulus bill. I do not see Social Security's own budget request in this document.

Update: Here is a link that goes just to the Social Security part and here is a link to a summary sheet prepared by the White House.


  1. The proposal would give civilian employees a smaller pay raise than the 2.9 percent it would grant to uniformed military personnel.

    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again
    Don't get fooled again

  2. Steny Hoyer and Miss Nancy's job is to set the executive right on civilian pay. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Prez always makes civilian pay lower, then Congress always equals it out.
