
Feb 12, 2009

Social Security Web Services Get High Marks

From a Social Security press release:
The Social Security Administration’s online services have earned the highest overall score in the most recent e-Government Satisfaction Index. The Index, which is administered by ForeSee Results in conjunction with the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), also gave three of SSA’s applications the highest scores in government. In a separate survey, Nextgov, a website devoted to technology and the federal government, listed as one of the top five federal websites in its review of best online practices. ...

While the federal government’s overall average score is 74 out of 100, SSA’s overall score was 79, the highest in the federal government. ...

In recognizing the SSA homepage, Nextgov consulted web experts in government and academia and also did its own research and web browsing.
Is the timing of this press release -- just after the GAO report -- coincidental? Probably, but it does create an interesting juxtaposition.

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