
Feb 12, 2009

Stimulus Bill Payment To Social Security Recipients Down To $250

The Senate version of the stimulus package had called for a special $300 payment to all Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients. The Conference Committee version of the bill reduces this to $250, according to a press release from the Speaker of the House. No other word yet on provisions affecting Social Security.

Update: The Conference Report is supposed to be filed at 3:00 today.

Further update: There is a summary on the House Appropriations Committee website, but it does not include information about the Social Security appropriations. There is a note that "Bill text will be available later today at"

Final update: Read a set of questions and answers about what was finally passed.


  1. If the objective is to get people to actually spend a stimulus payment, the poorest are probably the ones to give it to. Most of us already have too much stuff and are more likely to stick a relatively small check in the bank than to spend it since most of us are not unemployed. So, reducing the payment to those on SSI doesn't make much sense.

  2. Those payments will do about as much good as the stimulus payments that were given out last year.

    Maybe the poorest are more likely to be in debt and use the payments to pay off a debt, rather than buying something.

    People need to realize that the economy was built on debt and the bubble popped People with any sense are not going to now go out and start buying things and run up debt.

  3. The stimulus payments to T2 and T16 recipients will amount to several billion dollars, money which would be better spent to process the claims of those who have been waiting years for a decision.

  4. My husband and I are on social security, are we getting a 250.00 stimulus check...from this 2009 stimulus bill?

  5. Yeah go take your $250 and save the economy. LOL

  6. I get SSDI, and that $250 will be much appreciated. There is always more month than money these days.

  7. Will individuals on SSDI get the $250, or will it only go to SSI recipients?

  8. "I get SSDI, and that $250 will be much appreciated. There is always more month than money these days."

    Well that isn't what the money was sold as to be used for, but as most people you will use it to pay debts or daily living expenses and will do near zero to boost the economy.

  9. Will social security recipients have to file a tax return to get the $250 or will it just be sent to them?

  10. I am going to take the $250.00 and give it out to people less fortunate than I.
