
Mar 3, 2009

Astrue On Solvency

From the Associated Press:
Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue is hopeful the Obama Administration will address the solvency of the system before the 2012 elections. But in a speech on Monday in St. Louis, Astrue declined to speculate on exactly how the administration plans to fix it. ...

Speaking to business leaders on the campus of Washington University, Astrue said the new administration is dealing with the economy and health care before turning its attention to Social Security.

"I do think the appetite with getting on with Social Security reform after that is very high and they will focus on trying to get something done before the next presidential election," Astrue said. ...

As for how specifically the administration will address Social Security's shortfall, Astrue said he isn't sure.

"This administration is still too new for it to really be clear to me which way they're going to go," he said.


  1. Astrue seems out of the loop with the new administration. The speed with which Obama's people are going so soon after inauguration suggests that they are working from plans worked out in long advance of taking office. If this Coss isn't getting the word hot off the last WH meetings, he may have some difficulties down the road as he deals with his new OMB managers.

  2. The Administration and Congress need to address the fiscal crisis in Medicare first. It is a much more imminent crisis.
