
Mar 2, 2009

If You Can't Get Through To Someone At Social Security Central Offices

There is a reason you cannot get through to many people at Social Security central offices today. They are having a snowstorm in the area. Hearty folks from more snow prone areas can leave their comments.

Update: The Office of Personnel Management says Washington area federal offices are opening two hours late. Does that include Social Security central offices?


  1. SSA Central Office is not under the governance of OPM opening and closing rules. The folks who are here, came early before the snow started getting worse.
    SSA CO Employee

  2. "SSA Central Office is not under the governance of OPM opening and closing rules. The folks who are here, came early before the snow started getting worse."

    I dug my car out at 9:00 a.m. and made it in at 9:30 a.m. Just a few people here in my MOD. I like days like this, it's nice and quiet.

  3. Those of us who did not come to work at SSA Central Office on Monday, because of the snow, used our annual leave (vacation time). Just want to make sure that everyone knows.
