
Mar 11, 2009

Social Security Has A Budget -- Finally

Congressional Quarterly reports that Congress has finally passed and sent to the President a budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009, which began on October 1, 2008, over five months ago. Most of the government has been operating on a continuing funding resolution which kept it going at the rate for FY 2008. The bill gives Social Security $10.5 billion. Even after the election, advocacy groups had been hoping for only $10.4 billion! And this is on top of the special appropriation of $500 million for reducing the backlogs included in the economic stimulus package.

Let the hiring begin in earnest.

1 comment:

  1. I read Claire McCaskill's Tweets about the Omnibus Recon. Bill. Turns out she voted against it. With a 140 character limit, she didn't have much space to explain, but she said she had various problems with it. I wrote back that SSA had finally gotten much needed money after years of neglect and to think about that next time. If you want to get your opinion over to members of Congress, tweet 'em. She writes all her Tweets herself, reads all of 'em, and answers 'em too.

    What are you waiting for? Check it out, y'all.
