
May 19, 2009

Ticket To Work Remains A Sacred Cow

I did not have time to watch the House Social Security Subcommittee hearing today on the Ticket to Work program but judging by the prepared statements, none of the speakers was willing to be politically incorrect enough to call Ticket to Work what it is -- a well-intentioned but expensive failure. How much more money will be spent on this before Congress finally admits the obvious?


  1. I tried to volunteer to speak at this as a Floridian who tried to use the Ticket To Work program. No one wanted to hear that it didn't work because the overpayment investigation department, the fraud department, the Ticket To Work folks and the Medicare folks do not work together now and have no plans to in the future.

    Nobody wanted to hear how both my monetary help and health insurance were cancelled while I was in Ticket To Work. They say that isn't supposed to happen.

    No one wanted to hear that my Contunuing Medical Reviews were not only continued, but were also stepped up. They were supposed to stop as part of Ticket To Work.

    No one wanted to hear that while in Ticket To work my Medicare was cancelled without notice to the point that I had to deal with pneumonia and an anyurism with no health insurance.

    The abuse I experienced as a result of honestly trying to use the Ticket To Work program has left me more disabled than I have ever been before.

    I lost all my long term medical care providers because they got tired of hearing for more than two years that I REALLY was eligible for Medicare if they would just wait a few more months yet again...

    I can't even begin to understand why during my "fraud" investigation all my tiny bank accounts back to the mid 1980s were checked out because Social Security investigators decided they were all under the table jobs I had not reported.

    The worst thing that ever happened to my son and I was my attempt to use the Ticket To Work program.

    It took me from can't wait to work again even though still very disabled to can't die soon enough...

    Please do not let anyone you care about try to use Ticket To Work as long as internal communication problems continue to make it legally sanctioned torture toward Americans with disabilities.


  2. Wow, I was considering but the thought of Im unable keeps popping up. I thought well,, I could give it a try and see, 9 months go at it. Glad I read your comment.
