
Jun 12, 2009

ALJs Have A Beef

Alyssa Rosenberg reports on FedBlog that federal Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) are unhappy that a decision of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) prevents them from accumulating sick leave at the same rate as other senior-level federal employees. The ALJs are seeking legistlation to resolve the dispute. The vast majority of federal ALJs work for the Social Security Administration.


  1. Read more carefully -- it'a annual leave they have a beef about not sick leave

  2. Oh please. Like ALJs need more annual leave when they leave the office any damn time they want without answering to anyone - golf outings,vacations, work at home whenever they want, holding an ALJ job and working another job! These people have a lot of nerve! It's always gimme, gimme. Bunch a sorry - - - ! ALJs are brining down social security single handedly

  3. Last thing SSA needs is more perks for these do-nothing prima donnas.

    Work (play) at home for ALJs should be abolished.

  4. If ALJs are entitled to everything other federal employees are

    Then Perhaps the senior level federal employees ought to obtain performance review parity with ALJs. As in they should be FREE of performance reviews and other merit reviews, just like ALJs.
